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Sign Up for The EZEE eNewsletter Coach Visibility Visibility Booster CVB Serice

EZEE Newsletter CVB Visibility Booster (TEST MODE)

You are about to be amazed at how effective our program is at boosting your visibility on your social media sites and on Google search.

You need to do nothing other than fill out the following information and help with Google validation (it's simple but may require you to click something).

We do the rest for you automatically.

To see the difference in your results, we'll ask you to about the number of visitors you get on a few key sites. That way, we'll both know the metrics when you started and the improvement month by month.

Let's get started!

Can include extension i.e., 777.777.777 ext 2


You can locate your unique LIST ID when signed into your eNewsletter. Log in using the fly-out menu. See the NEWSLETTER NEWS information panel (at the bottom). Your LIST ID will be a 1 to 3 digit number. (If your eNewsletter link is the "2" would be your unique LIST ID)

You Must Have a LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google My Business page set up.

For this service to work as intended, you must have the following 3 social sites set up and be able to provide the URL to each.

If you do not have these three set up and don't know how or would like us to do it for you, we can.
(One-time fee of $95 - WAIVED FOR TEST PARTICIPANTS)

Google My Business (GMB) Account(Required)
Leave blank if we are going to set it up for you.
What level is the GMB user name and password you are supplying?(Required)

If you are setting up the sub-administrator for GMB, you will need to provide an email address. Use

LinkedIn Account(Required)
Leave blank if we are going to set it up for you.
What level is the LinkedIn user name and password??
Facebook Account(Required)
Leave blank if we are going to set it up for you.
What level is the Facebook user name and password??
Add if you have your set up and want us to post to it.
Add if you have your set up and want us to post to it.

Add On Google Analytics Monitoring

If you have a website, we can optionally set up a Google Analytics account to track the sources and amount of traffic increased through effective social media posts. A report will be sent on a monthly basis. (One time fee of $75 - WAIVED FOR TEST PARTICIPANTS)

OPT IN for Google Analytics Monitoring(Required)

Let's collect some base line statistics on what your visibility is now.

Don't worry if you don't have exact numbers, give us your best estimates.

Please enter a number from 0 to 9999.
Please enter a number from 0 to 9999.
Please enter a number from 0 to 9999.
Please enter a number from 0 to 9999.

After sending in your subscribe form...

We will be in touch with any questions we have and update you when your posts are live. You will be invoiced separately for the service and any one-time fees you opted for.

Welcome and thank you!


ONE-TIME SETUP FEE: $197 (Regularly, $299) - Will be billed separately.

MONTHLY ONGOING SERVICE: $189.95 (Waived during test phase)


We want you to have primary ownership of your accounts at all times.

However, to set up the necessary linkages between your eNewsletter and your social media (SM) sites, we need to be an administrator, (not owner) of your SM account pages in order to post. The level of administrator access that we need will depend on the service.


When we talk about “level” of administrator we mean either

  1. The account owner which has full control of the site and who can access it, or
  2. A sub-administrator who has the same posting, access, etc., rights as the owner but never has ownership level control.

The site owner-level administrator can revoke the rights of any sub-administrator at any time.  Ideally, we’d only need to have sub-administrator rights, but some social sites do not support that capability.

  • Facebook, Google My Business (GMB), and LinkedIn allow you to set up sub-administrators.
  • Twitter, Pinterest, and most other social media sites do not.

For accounts that do not allow sub-administrators, we will need your (account owner) login.

Note: We must have a current password at all times. If you change the password without letting us know, automatic posts will cease to work for that site.


If you want to use sub-account level access on Google My Business, LinkedIn, and Facebook, email us to set up a time when we can walk you through the process.
Be sure you include your Name, email address, and phone number in your email. 


We recommend using a Gmail account so reports can be sent to you from Google analytics on a weekly basis. If you need help setting that up, you’ll find a check box on the set-up form where you can request help.


If we set up your accounts for you, we will be creating a new Gmail account and turn that account over to you after the posts are working for an added layer of safety.

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